A Square to Spare

Today’s Via Colori sidewalk painting extravaganza was magical….and exhausting. Because it was such a public event, there was time to chat while painting. The most common questions were: 1. Have you ever done this before? answer–“no.” 2. Would you do it again?…to which I answered, “Like having a baby, not any time soon.” 3. Does your back hurt? answer–“I feel like Cro-Magnon man every time I try to stand upright.” Ouch.

For inspiration, I copied my own painting, Arches at San Jose Mission-2, and worked almost non-stop from 10 in the morning until 6 in the evening. (Several people walking by recognized the mission!) Reese was my everlasting support.

Again, the event was to raise money for the Center for Hearing and Speech here in Houston. Over 100 local artists participated, with at least two “ringers” flown in from California.

100 square feet sponsored by Simmons and Company International!

10 responses to “A Square to Spare”

  1. erinhazel says:

    Wow! Interesting to see which painting you ended up choosing to be the inspiration for your street art. Looks wonderful! Is it still on the pavement or have they washed it off?

    p.s. happy birthday tomorrow! <3

  2. Sarah Hazel says:

    It should be washed off by now. Supposedly the fire hoses were going to wash off the streets at 10 o’clock Sunday night.

    Happy my birthday to you, too!

  3. mcoker says:

    Wow, happy birthday Hazels!!!

    The sidewalk art is amazing. You express colors so well, it’s awesome.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Happy birthday!
    Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
    ¡Feliz cumpleaños!

  5. Tricia says:

    Beautiful work, Sarah. You know that was one of our favorite paintings. 🙂 Hope you are less sore soon.

  6. Spoony Quine says:

    ` And here I thought I was the only artist named Sarah Hazel! Luckily, my pen name is Spoony Quine….
    ` BTW, nice chalking! I’m horrible at using color.

  7. Lori says:

    Fantastic job! It’s gorgeous. And I’m so glad the gallery show went well.

  8. Sarah Hazel says:

    Thanks, everyone.

    One of my fellow street artist friends told me that the winds picked up the next day, and blew off some of the pastel chalk. Bummer.

    By then, however, I had had enough.

  9. Kristin Smith says:

    Wow! Awesome…I should be getting us lunch but here I am again at your blog. Awesome work…

  10. Sarah Hazel says:

    Thanks, Kristin. Keep reading! (I would say that lunch is highly over-rated, but I don't believe that for a minute.)

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